What does a lawyer do in a typical purchase or sale of a residential home? Below is a chart with some definitions to follow that describes the main steps that a lawyer will take when assisting a client with the purchase or sale of their home.
Purchase | Sale |
What are the typical fees, disbursements and other payments?
Purchase Transaction:
Legal Fees, HST, Title Search, Property Tax Certificate, Photocopies, Registration Fees, Land Transfer Tax, Title Insurance, Zoning and work order searches (where applicable), mortgage insurance such as CMHC.
Sale Transaction:
Legal Fees, HST, Subsearch of Title, Property Tax Certificate, Photocopies, Registration Fees, Administration fee by mortgagee to discharge existing mortgage, courier charges, Real Estate Commission
Terms used in a typical real estate transaction
Below are some terms and a basic description of what they mean. The definitions are not full and complete, but, they will help a buyer or seller understand the terms.
Conditions: Items needed to be satisfied before an offer to purchase becomes a firm deal, for example, the arrangement of financing satisfactory to the purchaser.
Conflict of Interest (Ethics): A lawyer can sometimes continue to act even if a conflict of interest exists or presents itself. A lawyer may represent both the Lender and the Borrower in a typical house purchase transaction. However, a lawyer can not act for both the Vendor and the Purchaser in a typical arms length Purchase of a house.
Encumbrance: Something that attaches to land that diminishes the value of it, such as a mortgage, a construction lien, a writ of execution or even a right of way.
Escrow Closing: A way to allow lawyers to receive documents and funds in a type of trust arrangement before the final closing happens.
Fees: The money a lawyer charges for the work.
Key (for Electronic Registry System): An electronic data file with passwords.
Land Transfer Tax: A tax that is paid by the buyer when a property is purchased.
Mortgagee: The person who lends the money, also called the Lender. Often the morgagee is a bank, but, an individual or a company that is not a bank can also lend money.
Mortgagor: The person who borrows money, also called the chargor.
Planning Act: A piece of legislation that is used to help control the manner in which land is subdivided.
Registration: People used to meet in person at a registry office and exchange documents, keys, and money. Now documents are typed and exchanged through an escrow arrangement with each lawyer at their own separate offices. Once everyone has what they need, the documents get registered electronically (with the exception of the few properties that remain in the old paper registry).
Retainer: An agreement with your lawyer regarding the services that he or she will provide, and the amount of money you will pay as a deposit toward fees and disbursements.
Tender: Presentation of items required to close the deal.
Title Insurance: A type of insurance that protects property owners against things like unpaid property taxes or unknown defects on the title.
Title Search: A search to retrieve documents on a piece of real property in order to determine whether there are any outstanding encumbrances and what the nature of the encumbrance is if there are any, whether the person who claims to be selling the property is the registered owner, and whether or how the purchaser will be able to gain access to the property.
Statement of Adjustments: A documents that shows how much money the purchaser has to pay including credits for pre-paid property taxes.
The article posted here is for general information. We hope you find it useful. For advice specific to your circumstances you should consult a lawyer. We would be pleased to speak with you if you have questions about our services or need the assistance of a lawyer.